Land to plant our dream!

A tiny piece of Italy’s heart

We are Anouk and Santi.

On 21st June 2023 we finally managed to acquire land as a first step to realise an important dream of ours: “To learn how to live in close connection with nature—as ethically and sustainably as possible—and to grow with the land and with the people around us.”

It is often said that “our possessions possess us.” In a world of technological saturation we chose a path rooted in regaining our connection to the mother earth and community life. In the stunning landscapes of Umbria (in the heart of Italy), our vision revolves around permaculture and wellness, reflecting a commitment to sustainability, nurturing not only the land but also the souls of those who join us on this journey of personal rediscovery and self-reliance.

Live simply so that others may simply live.
— Mahatma Gandhi

Tin’Italy’s Timeline

Many things did happen: Earth came to be, the dinosaurs went on strike…, Darwin evolved, we were born (in very different and distant continents), etc.

…before our egos

Volunteering around

We volunteered quite a bit mostly around Europe, exploring ideas and learning from people with similar mindsets and hearts.

We arrived at Via Verde in Oct 2022 to volunteer in yet another organic farm. Little did we know it would be the beginning of a life-long friendship with both Valentina and Matt!

As we were leaving theycast a spell on us?mentioned that there was land for sell next to them…

June 2023

“Wwoofing” at Via Verde

We went back to Umbria/Italy and made an offer to buy land. Few weeks later, we were officially the owners of a piece of green land. Hurray!

Oct. 2023

We picked our first (seven!) olives.

Plenty to learn ahead…

First time camping on our land, with our friend (and first volunteer) Jean-Philippe ;-)

June 2024

April 2024

First Harvest 2024

First group of friend volunteers came to help us with our first proper olive harvest. Within three days, we collected around 750kg of olives which yielded 75L of delicious olive oil.

Our friend Helga produced a much improved version of our first Logo!

Future plans…

Soon we’ll be launching our YouTube channel, populated with content as we develop little projects around the land. Stay tuned!

We have exciting ideas and projects that revolve around working with nature and using it as a means to rediscover and heal ourselves:






Originally from Switzerland, I spent the first 20 years of my life in Geneva. When I was 19, I spent some time in London and Florence and decided to move to London where I did a degree in the creative arts. I was always drawn between Italy and the UK so I embarked on another adventure and moved to Rome to do a Master’s in languages, tourism and culture.

I knew that I would one day come back to Italy but I found work in London and stayed there for almost two decades. A year in Ireland volunteering in various environmental charities reignited my love for nature, and this is when the seed was planted to get our own little paradise to live in. So here we are a few years later with big ideas to start our dream in Tin'Italy.

Born in Colombia, where I trained and worked as a Clinical Psychologist. Then, I moved to Europe (UK and Rep. of Ireland) where I furthered my professional skills (find out more about my professional services here).

I have always been drawn towards nature. During my teen years I had the opportunity to share some time with aboriginal indigenous people who welcomed those with an appreciation for mother nature.

Tin’Italy represents my commitment to live in close connection with nature, an opportunity to embody an eco-centered way of living and facilitate ecotherapy for those in need. It is also a space where I can share with people my passion for DIY and self-sufficiency.